The Bat Mitzvah Club is a one of a kind experience for girls ages 11-13, regardless of synagogue affiliation to come together and discover what it means to become a Bat Mitzvah.
The Bat Mitzvah club shows girls why a Bat Mitzvah is much more than a party. The girls learn and discover what a Bat Mitzvah really means, and what becoming a Jewish woman is all about. The learning, discussions, activities, and friendships, will make this year truly memorable. The year will end with a grand banquet and graduation ceremony at which Rabbi's, Rebbetzin's, club members, family & friends will all join to celebrate this special milestone and the girl’s remarkable year of Yiddishkiet growth and accomplishment. The cost of the party is separate. Details will follow later in the year. For more information, or to register your daughter please contact Henya Karpilovsky. [email protected] 647.278.7257 JNY Youth Centre Established in memory of Eliyahu Ben Abbo |