JNY Day School is a school focused on individualized learning, allowing each student to work at their own level. We work with the students one on one, or in small groups, based on the subject being taught. Students are encouraged to keep working on individual skills until they have mastered it before moving forward.
EnglishMulti-faceted program focusing on literacy, grammar, spelling and comprehension, allowing each student to progress at their own pace. Students will have the opportunity to use both “pencil and paper’ as well technology to develop writing, typing and researching skills.
MathEach student will work independently on their own individualized math curriculum using workbooks and online math platforms to develop their skills.
STEMWe use a lot of materials allowing the students to integrate STEM into their everyday learning, from building structures using KEVA blocks to robotics experimentation using ozobots.
Judaic Studies
HebrewHebrew is taught in a fun and interactive way, beginning with the Alef - Bet, then moving on to reading and understanding.
No prior knowledge of Hebrew is required. |
ParshaAs we learn the story and lessons from each week’s Parsha, by bringing it to life through stories and pictures, we integrate the core components of English into the daily lesson where the students develop their writing skills.
HolidaysEach day the students are immersed into a complete Judaic Studies class. They spend time on learning the meaning of, and understanding the observances of the Jewish Holidays and the mitzvot from the Torah.
Enhancing Learning
Technology IntegrationWe will be introducing various technology platforms into the curriculum to reinforce math, English and science skills taught during class time. We will also be teaching the students about internet safety, and how to properly use technology.
Visual ArtWe have a weekly art class incorporating many different aspects of visual arts including painting, various crafts and building. We bring in weekly themes about the parsha, upcoming holidays or relate it to a topic that the students are currently learning. We allow them the freedom to express themselves using various mediums using the underlying theme of that week.
Educational TripsTo enhance the learning experience the students are taken on various educational field trips throughout the year.
"JNY Day School brings Judaism to life through the celebration of Jewish holidays and Torah study.”
JNY Team
Dedicated to your child's success
Rabbi Schneur Zalman Shuchat, MAPrincipal
Ms. Amy Tokayer, OCTGeneral studies Lead teacher
Time & Location
Regular classes:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Late Shabbat) - 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM (Early Shabbat)
Location: JNY - 465 Patricia Ave.
Regular classes:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Late Shabbat) - 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM (Early Shabbat)
Location: JNY - 465 Patricia Ave.